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1. The beginning of the expected drawdown of U.S. troops in Afghanistan follows a steady decline in American public support for a war that has gone on for nearly 10 years.

go on进行
例句:We could hardly have gone on without your help.
要是没有您的帮助, 我们很难取得进展。

2. When he ran for president in 2008, then candidate Barack Obama promised to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq, a war he opposed, and to strengthen the U.S. effort against the Taliban and al-Qaida in Afghanistan.

run for竞选
例句:He decided to run for President.

3. In late 2009, the president announced he was sending 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan, a move that was unpopular with some members of his own Democratic Party.

be unpopular with不受人欢迎的
例句:He is unpopular with his fellow workers.

4. A recent poll found that 64 percent of those surveyed believe the Afghan war is no longer worth fighting.

no longer不再, 已不, 不复, 再也不
例句:The city's water supply is no longer adequate for its need.

5. "Things are falling apart at home while we are searching the world looking for dragons to slay," said Kucinich.

fall apart 崩溃,瓦解,破产; 散开, 崩溃, 破碎
例句:The army fell apart.

6. In recent weeks, war fatigue over Afghanistan has also crept into the debate among the Republican presidential contenders for 2012, including the frontrunner, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.

creep into逐渐产生, 开始发生
例句:Furthermore, cultural factors do creep into it.

7. "But I also think we have learned that our troops should not go off and try to fight a war of independence for another nation," noted Romney.

go off 离开
例句:I'd better have waited till the rain went off.

8. Even the latest Republican to join the race, former Utah governor Jon Huntsman, says the United States should be more aggressive in drawing down troop levels in Afghanistan.

draw down向下拉; 招来, 惹起
例句:She drew down the curtains and turned the light on.

9. It is not just that Americans have tired of the Afghan conflict.

tire of对…厌烦
例句:He never tired of the sound of his own voice.

10. "A trio of wars is not exactly what Americans are interested in at this time when they have a very full platter of problems at home," said Hess.

be interested in 对…感兴趣
例句:They are interested in fair tales.

11. Political analysts say the U.S. commitment to the Afghan war could become an issue in next year's presidential campaign, especially for anti-war Democrats who are pressing for a speedier exit from Afghanistan.

press for催逼, 敦促; 迫切要求
例句:Many parents have been pressing for an inquiry into the problem.