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1. Tuberculosis continues to be a major threat around the world, especially in developing countries.

developing countries发展中国家
例句:Rich countries should give more aid to developing countries.

2. A new vaccine has gone into testing, and the results may change how childhood vaccinations are given.

go into进入(某种状态)
例句:He went into a rage when he learned about it.

3. The vaccine is very effective in children, but experts seeing a rise in adult TB cases think the vaccine's protection may eventually wear off.

wear off逐渐减弱, 逐渐消失
例句:The effects of the drug began to wear off.

4. In response, researchers at Oxford University in England came up with a vaccine supplement called MVA85A.

come up with想出, 提出
例句:I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.

5. Preliminary tests indicate that, when given to children who also received the old vaccine, it is safe and produces a robust immune response, which is what a vaccine is supposed to do.

be supposed to应该,被期望
例句:The show is supposed to be good.

6. That conclusion came from a study of several hundred infants in Gambia, which also helped researchers learn the best way to administer the new vaccine.

come from由…造成, 源自
例句:Knowledge comes from practice.

7. Which implies that giving these two groups of vaccines together has a negative impact on the new TB vaccine.

have an impact on对…有影响;对…起作用,产生效果
例句:The amount of taxation levied will have an impact on the economy of a country.

8. He explains that although the measured tuberculosis immune response was lower when the TB vaccine was given with the other vaccines, it still may be enough to protect against the disease.

protect against保护, 保卫
例句:You need warm clothes to protect you against the cold.

9. In the paper, the authors say that the lower immune response when the vaccines are given together is more likely a result of interference between adjuvants, which are additives used to boost the effectiveness of a vaccine.

be used to do被用来做…
例句:Coal is used to make electricity.