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南苏丹独立前夕 首都Juba一面繁忙景象



1. South Sudan is set to become the world’s newest country on July 9, with Juba as its capital.

set to开始努力干
例句:He set to with a will and soon finished it.
他下定决心做这件事, 很快就完成了。

2. Until the signing of the north-south peace agreement in 2005, Juba had few paved roads and buildings. But, on the eve of independence, it is a thriving capital city.

on the eve of在…的前夕
例句:The party took place on the eve of graduation.

3. “When we came to Juba, we used to live in the camp here," he said.

used to 过去一向,过去时常;过去曾(而现在不再)做
例句:He used to come here.

4. There were no buildings. We used to live in the tents along the river in putting up small tents here and there.

put up建立; 竖起
例句:They put up many buildings last year.

5. In a very short time, now when you look at Juba, if somebody came now and have never seen Juba, they would think that it has always been like this.

look at看, 注视(某人或某物)
例句:The pupils are all looking at the chart on the wall.

6. Juba's town square once served mainly as a transportation terminus.

serve as充当, 担任
例句:We found that birch bark could serve as paper.

7. The United Nations and other international agencies also have offices here, along with businesses catering to the city’s expatriate communities.

cater to供应伙食,迎合
例句:We should cater to public demand.

8. Hellen Wairimu, a Kenyan working for a Sudanese women’s group, said she finds Juba a welcoming place.

work for受雇于
例句:How long have you been working for this firm?

9. Juba is a town of contrasts, ranging from the modern to the traditional.

range from to 从...变化到...
例句:Their ages range from 25 to 50.

10. Some southern Sudanese say they think the capital should be moved because, among other reasons, the land belongs to the Bari.

belong to属于
例句:Victory belongs to the most persevering.

11. We are so tired of waiting for our independence.

be tired of厌烦,对…厌倦
例句:Students are tired of homework.
wait for等待, 等候
例句:I've been waiting for the bus for half an hour.

12. As Juba builds up its roads, water system and other infrastructure, there are intermittent shortages of basic goods and services. Another looming problem is garbage disposal.

build up盖满了建筑物
例句:The area has been built up since I lived here.
自从我住到这里以来, 这个地区已盖满了房子。
garbage disposal垃圾处理