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1. An analysis of more than a dozen drug studies finds that smokers who take the drug Chantix to help them kick the habit face significantly higher risks of cardiovascular problems including stroke, heart rhythm irregularities and heart failure, along with other serious side effects.

cardiovascular problems心血管疾病
heart rhythm irregularity 心律不齐
heart failure心力衰竭
along with和...一起[一道], 随着
He came along with some friends.
side effect副作用
例句:This medicine has no side effect.

2. The drug’s maker, Pfizer, says it's too early to draw conclusions from the data and that more studies are needed.

draw conclusions from由...得出结论
例句:He helped them draw conclusions from their experiences.

3. It found a 72-percent increase in the risk of cardiovascular incidents among smokers who took the quit-smoking aid compared to those who received a placebo or sugar pill.

compare to与…相比
例句:The writer was compared to Shakespeare.

4. The studies were submitted to US drug regulators as part of Pfizer’s application for approval.

submit to向…呈交〔递送〕…
例句:The developers submitted building plans to the council for approval.

5. And if you look at 13 million users of Chantix worldwide even that quarter of a percent risk - you’re talking about thousands of lives.

look at看, 注视(某人或某物)
My work hasn't been looked at for a week.
talk about讨论; 谈论; 考虑(做…)
例句:If he starts talking about another job, that means he wants a rise in pay.
如果他开始考虑另找工作, 那就意味着他想加薪。

6. The heart problems began to show up as early as one year after the volunteers completed a 12-week course of treatment with Chantix.

show up显而易见; 使显示出
例句:A police put some chemicals on the piece of paper and a line of words showed up.
一位警察在一张条上涂上化学药品, 一行字迹清晰地显现出来。

7. Cawkwell acknowledges a small increase in the risk of heart problems among Chantix users, saying the company will work with the federal approving agency - the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - to figure out what’s going on.

work with与…在一起干
例句:I find it so refreshing to work with young people in this department.
figure out解决;想出
Could you help me figure out this problem?
go on进行
We could hardly have gone on without your help.
要是没有您的帮助, 我们很难取得进展。

8. Cawkwell says the company will likely add a warning about cardiovascular problems to the black box.

add to增加, 添加
例句:The office looked exactly the same as before, only some charts were added to the wall.
办公室里还是那个老样子, 只是墙上多了一些图表。

9. He blames the problems with Chantix and other medications on an inadequate drug review process in the US.

blame on把责任推给…
例句:They blamed the failure on John.

10. “It involves few patients and if you don’t look for suicides or violence or heart attacks, you don’t find it," says Furberg.

look for 寻找
例句:That foolish fellow is looking for trouble.