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1. In the early 20th Century, more than two million African-Americans left their homes and small farms in the South and moved to northern industrial cities to escape overt racism and search for better work and happier lives.

search for搜索, 搜寻
例句:After he felt better, he searched for work at the various mills.
他感到好些后, 就在各工厂找工作。

2. One-half of the large African-American population left Beaufort County, South Carolina, for example, and headed north.

for example例如, 譬如
例句:There are many sources of air pollution; exhaust fumes, for example.
空气污染有许多来源, 例如废气。

3. By 1970, when census-takers found that 80 percent of African-Americans lived in big cities, black America had become an overwhelmingly urban population.

live in住在(某地); 存在于…; 为…而生存
例句:I've been living in this city since my family moved here twenty years ago.
自从20年前我家搬到这里以来, 我一直住在这个城市。

4. Between 2000 and 2010, for instance, Florida’s African-American population grew by 587,000, Georgia’s by 579,000, and North Carolina’s by 297,000.

for instance例如, 比如
例句:You cannot rely on her; for instance, she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.
她这人靠不住, 例如昨天一个重要会议, 她迟到了一个小时。

5. As soon as you get to New York, you’re hearing thousands of them.

as soon as一经...;立即...;一...就...
例句:Come here as soon as you finish the work.
get to到达, 抵达
Have we got to the zoo yet?

6. Some African-Americans tell interviewers that they moved back - or to the South for the first time - for warmer weather, to distance themselves from high urban crime, to reunite with southern relatives or to take advantage of lower home prices and taxes.

for the first time第一次
例句:They tasted defeat for the first time.
distance from 远离…
Lately she has seemed to distance herself from me.
take advantage of利用
He should take advantage of his native intelligence.

7. Not enough job opportunities, public transportation, or cultural attractions that appeal to them.

appeal to对…有吸引力
例句:This job rather appeals to me.