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1. Sina.com is one of the major internet portals in China with hundreds and thousands of users, and a majority of celebrities and renowned citizens have their microblog accounts on this portal.

a majority of大部分, 大多数的
例句:The company holds a majority of the stock.

2. Tan Chao is in charge of the team.

in charge of负责,主管
例句:I'll be in charge of the whole factory next week when the director is away.
下周厂长不在时, 我将负责整个工厂。

3. It's not just website portals which are taking on fact-checking responsibilities, but also a number of civic-minded netizens, who recently set up a Rumor Verification Federation on Sina.com's microblog system to help netizens identify fake information online.

take on承担
例句:He is always ready to take on heavy responsibilities.
set up建立,建造, 创立, 竖立
例句:Plenty of foreign firms have set up factories here.

4. We can't wait for the media to verify the facts with related administrative departments and then release a formal announcement.

wait for等候,等待
例句:He is waiting for something good to turn up.

5. We can't allow rumors to run rampant and then deal with it, we need to fight rumors while they're spreading.

deal with应付, 处理; 对待
例句:He must deal with many difficulties.

6. Some experts say this demonstrates the advantages of the internet compared to other traditional media.

compare to与…相比
例句:The writer was compared to Shakespeare.

7. This is something which we need to pay attention to.

pay attention to注意,关心
例句:No attention was paid to his advice.

8. If society is deluged with too much false information, and it's allowed to spread in such a fast manner, then people will be suspicious of all kinds of information including important information from authorities.

be deluged with涌来; 充满
例句:The minister was deluged with questions.

9. It also exacerbates problems relating to social communications and mutual-understanding, which in turn harms society as a whole.

relate to涉及, 关系到…
例句:He showed me all the correspondence relating to the matter.
in turn转而,反过来; 依次, 轮流地
例句:All theories originate from practice and in turn serve practice. 

10. Once a rumor begins to spread, administrative departments should make announcements as early as possible to dispel rumors before they lead to bad outcomes.

lead to导致, 引起
例句:In given conditions, a bad thing can lead to good results.
在一定条件下, 一件坏事可以导致好的结果。