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1. But will that support meet the needs?

meet the need满足需要;满足需求
例句:We must meet the instant need of the people. 

2. USAID director Rajiv Shah arrived in Kenya Wednesday morning for a day-long visit to refugee camps surrounding Dadaab, in Kenya's northeast.  Dadaab, once a sleepy desert village, now plays host to more than 400,000 refugees, mostly from neighboring Somalia.

arrive in抵达, 到达
例句:The steamer arrived in harbor last night.
refugee camps难民营

3. The influx of refugees has been near constant since the onset of conflict in Somalia, but has accelerated in recent months due to the extreme drought plaguing much of the region.

due to由于,因为
例句:Her absence is due to illness.

4. Shah visited the Ifo camp as many refugees, haggard after the long journey from Somalia, stood outside the gate, waiting for relief.

wait for等待, 等候
例句:He is waiting for something good to turn up.

5. After a tour with U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Scott Gration, Shah praised U.S. efforts, particularly through the Famine Early Warning System, in dealing with the food and water shortages.

deal with应付, 处理; 对待
例句:There are many difficulties to be dealt with when starting a new business.
开展一项新业务时, 有许多困难需要解决。

6. He also pointed to livestock vaccination programs and past World Food Program assistance as evidence of the United States' involvement in the east African crisis.

point to表明, 指向
例句:All the signs at the moment point to an early resumption of the fighting between the two countries.

7. On the heels of that declaration, Shah told reporters at the Ifo camp that the United States government had pledged an additional $28 million to assist affected people in Somalia as well as recent refugees.

on the heels of紧跟着;紧接着
例句:The recession trod on the heels of the oil crisis.

8. Wednesday, aid group Oxfam International accused Western governments of "willful neglect," saying barely a quarter of the $800 million needed to combat the famine had been delivered.

accuse of指责, 控告
例句:We accused him of taking bribes.

9. "It's no accident that the specific geographies that have been declared by the international community as an official famine are those areas where humanitarian actors simply have not been allowed to have access to the population," added Shah.

have access to 接近,可以使用
例句:Students must have access to good books.

10. In the past al-Shabab has restricted humanitarian access to populations under their control, but recently said they were reversing that position in light of the current crisis.

in light of按照,根据
例句:He reviewed his policy in the light of recent developments.

11. Many who have just arrived have only been provided with plastic sheets to build their houses due to shortages in the camps.

provide with给…提供;以…装备
例句:Somehow she managed to provide her children with food and clothing.