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1. This month, on beaches up and down the U.S. East Coast, tens of thousands of newly-hatched loggerhead sea turtles are emerging from the sand and crawling into the Atlantic.

emerge from露出, 浮现
例句:The man emerges from water.

2. Jekyll Island, Georgia, is best known as a summer vacation spot.

be known as被认为是
例句:His grandfather was known as a brave seaman.

3. But it’s also an important rehabilitation destination for hundreds of sick or injured sea turtles that wash up on Atlantic coast beaches each year.

wash up将…冲上岸
例句:Last night's tide washed up some quite beautiful shells.

4. Many have survived encounters with predators like sharks that can bite off a turtle’s flipper or crack its shell.

bite off咬掉,截去
例句:He was so hungry, he wanted to bite off half of my hamburger." 

5. These little Velcro patches are for putting weights because she floats asymmetrically so that helps her dive a little better and get around a little better.

get around传播, 散播; 随意走走; 绕开, 避开
例句:The story has got around—everyone knows about it.

6. Since sea turtles are found worldwide, Norton’s staff works with conservation groups in India, Pakistan, Costa Rica and St. Kitts, teaching them how to protect and care for injured turtles.

work with与…在一起干
例句:I find it so refreshing to work with young people in this department.
care for照料, 服侍
例句:The mother cared for the sick child day and night.

7. Ten of thousands of the tourists who visit Jekyll Island each year come to the Georgia Sea Turtle Center to learn about the life cycle of turtles.

learn about获得, 学得
例句:I like reading historical stories because I can learn about the lives that people led long ago.
我喜欢看历史故事, 因为这样可以知道过去人们的生活。

8. “Out here they are all in quarantine areas…so since we are similar to a hospital setting, we try to keep as much under control as we can," says David Zailo, one of the center’s guides.

be similar to与…相似
例句:Your opinion is similar to mine.

9. By separating the animals from one another, it’s easier to treat them. It’s easier to mark down what they feed and it's easier to mark down their progress as they’re healing.

separate from区别
例句:Can you separate butterflies from moths?
mark down记下
例句:If you saw a traffic accident, make sure to mark down the licence of the car.
如果你看到交通事故, 务必记下汽车的牌照号码。

10. Earlier this summer, dozens of female loggerheads - each about one meter in diameter - lumbered out of the ocean, dug nests in the sand and laid hundreds of eggs.

dozens of很多
例句:There are rumors in the air that dozens of people died in the fire.