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1. Minnesota is home to the largest Somali population in the United States and, as drought and famine take a devastating toll on their homeland, Somali immigrants are taking action to help victims back home.

take action采取行动, 行动起来
例句:The police had to take firm action to deal with the riots.

2. When I was being born, my Mom had to go through all of that.

go through经历,经受
例句:The country has gone through too many wars.

3. Abdi’s family settled in Minnesota, where she’s now a college student.

settle in (使)开始在…居住
例句:We are settled in our new home.

4. We had the masjids that are involved in fundraising.

involve in使参与〔陷入, 牵扯到〕
例句:The vast masses there have become involved in the health campaign.

5. People call in everyday to also donate money and gifts and different types of funding.

call in找〔请〕来
例句:How many friends will you call in?

6. It just launched a relief campaign in cooperation with Somali-Americans to develop fund-raising efforts and provide a secure way to send humanitarian aid back home.

in cooperation with与…合作
例句:This sitcom is produced in cooperation with Hong Kong TV.

7. It’s about shelter, clear water, it’s about the health, it’s about providing security for those people who come to Mogadishu.

provide for为…提供
例句:He worked hard to provide for his old age.

8. That’s challenging, admits Sheik-Abdi, but he says ARC is doing everything possible to make sure the famine relief doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

fall into掉进, 陷入
例句:Don't let it fall into the hands of the enemy.

9. If these people who are internally displaced wanted to go back and do some farming, then we’ll help them do that

go back回去
例句:Let's go back home now.