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1. And the wife's parents took care of things like furniture, car, etc.

take care of负责;照顾;关怀
例句:I'll take care of the affairs of office. 

2. In my perspective, the biggest controversy lies in the seventh item: when parents purchase at their expense for their child after he or she marries and register the property in the name of their child, the property is recognized to be that person's personal property.

lie in在于
例句:The trouble lies in the engine.
in the name of以…的名义,凭
例句:I welcome you in the name of all the students.

3. If the real estate is purchased by parents of both sides, and the name of registration is in the name of one of the spouses, the investment share is in accordance with the investment of both sides.

in accordance with与…一致,依照
例句:I am in accordance with him in this matter.

4. Now, the interpretation leaves the wife without any stake in the ownership of the real estate if her parents didn't chip in.

chip in共同出钱, 捐助, 凑钱
例句:If everyone chips in we could get her something really nice.
如果每人凑钱, 我们就能为她买点相当不错的东西。

5. The new interpretation of the marriage law is aimed at mediating issues within a marriage.

aim at以…为目标
例句:The visit was aimed at expanding the relations between the two countries.

6. In practice, it's better to have this law to address the problems coming up in Chinese people's married life.

in practice在实践中, 实际上
例句:It sounded like a good idea, but in practice it didn't work.
这听起来像是个好主意, 但做起来却行不通。
come up发生
例句:I expect something to come up soon.

7. Attorney Zhang adds that this will affect women in rural areas where the many labor and property laws in the countryside tend to favor men.

tend to有...的倾向
例句:Modern furniture design tends to simplicity.

8. This will create a disadvantage to rural women because the wife will get nothing in divorce because the house still belongs to the husband's individual property.

belong to属于
例句:The bicycle belongs to Amy.

9. That's why they really rely on their husbands.

rely on信赖, 依赖,依靠
例句:He had proved that he could be relied on in a crisis.

10. Attorney Hualei Ding adds when it comes to property, China's handling of the marriage law varies from the West.

when it comes to当提到……;当谈到……
例句:When it comes to cooking I know nothing.