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2011-08-27来源:Sky news

They think they've now got the upper hand in this protracted conflict, but the rebel fighters who have been celebrating their advance into Zawiyah have been driven back before. And this is a city that the Gaddafi regime will be desperate to retake.

Most of these fighters had spent weeks in the mountains, regrouping before staging their assault on Saturday. They have taken casualties. Government snipers are still holding positions within the city, but the rebels claim to be in control of central Zawiyah.

Colonel gaddafi's reponse has been a rare but defiant TV address, though only his voice was heard.

"Resisit! Take up your weapon! On with the fighting to liberate Libya from the traitors! Get ready for the fight. Get ready for the million-man march to clean up the land, the land of purity, the land of our grandparents, our fathers."

After weeks of stalemate, the weekend has seen major gains for the rebels. They claimed to have taken control of the southern city of Gharyan, and crucially have cut the regime's supply route to the west of Tripoli. Fierce fighting has been taking place in Sorman, on the outskirts of Sabratah, as well as in Zawiyah. All three towns lie on the main coast road to Tunisia. And with Nato bombings around Zlitan over the weekend, the attacks on Tripoli are from all sides.

The fighting around Zawiyah is already having an impact on the border with Tunisia, 100 miles to the west. Two days ago this was bustling with cars and trucks taking much-needed supplies to Tripoli.

"I've been allowed to come up to the no man's land between the Tunisian and Libyan borders, just to have a look for myself to see what is going on even though we are not allowed to bring our camera up here so I'm recording this on my phone. But the crossing is absolutely deserted. And there appears to be some cars who try to get through, but have been turned back, but is still trying to stay for one day, what reason was given for them being turned back."

They told us they've got to Sabratah but are being told to turn back by soldiers because it was too dangerous.

"So there is still a lot support for Colonel Gaddafi just over the border, yeah?"

But this Tunisian man told me that there was a pro-Gaddafi rally planned for a town 40 kilometers across the border.

He said the majority of those from here to Zuwarah were still loyal to the regime. For the moment, Gaddafi is being isolated, but he's still a long way from being defeated.

Ian Woods, Sky News, on the Libyan-Tunisian border.