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尽管环境艰难 美国志愿者人数不减



1. The volunteer rate went up among all race and ethnic groups.

go up上升, 上涨, 提高, 增加, 增高
例句:The temperature is going up; will the snow melt?
气温正逐渐上升, 雪会融化吗?

2. “We have found out that volunteering is core to who we are as Americans,” says Heather Peeler, spokeswoman for the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), the federal agency which conducted the study.

find out发现, 看穿, 揭发
例句:The manager had found him out and was going to sack him.
经理发觉了他的不轨行为, 打算炒他鱿鱼。

3. The United States has a long tradition of volunteering, as opposed to many European countries where government is pervasive and provides most of basic services, like free daycare for children and comprehensive medical care. In addition, recent cuts in the budgets of many U.S. states have made volunteering even more essential.

as opposed to完全不同, 截然相反, 反对, 对照
例句:I am here on business as opposed to a holiday. 

4. “If children cannot read by 3rd grade, they have such an overwhelming obstacle to overcome in order to be successful because first you learn to read," says Saltzman.

in order to 为了
例句:We started early in order to arrive before dark.

5. Minnesota Education Corps also recruits volunteers like Mike Ginal, 51, who dedicates an hour a day, five days a week, to tutoring children.

dedicate to献(身)于…; 把(时间、精力等)用于…
例句:He dedicated his life to the cause of education.

6. “We get to the school and the kids come into a classroom where it is one-on-one interaction," says Ginal.

come into 加入; 参加; 进入
例句:Several new members have come into the club since last year.
自去年以来, 又有些新成员加入了俱乐部。

7. “We’re not chasing our kids in their activities now and we definitely have more time to devote to the community," he says.

devote to致力于…
例句:He has always devoted himself to his music.

8. We’re involved in feeding the seniors here in town.

involve in使参与〔陷入, 牵扯到〕
例句:The vast masses there have become involved in the health campaign.

9. While Ginal belongs to the older generation of Americans known for their volunteering, the Volunteering America report finds people born between 1965 and 1981, known as Generation X, volunteered more time in 2010 than ever before, contributing 2.3 billion hours.

belong to属于
例句:Victory belongs to the most persevering.

10. So in events of disaster, we specialize in volunteer management, donation management as well as direct services, helping owners gain access to their home, removing trees, roofs, creating space environments.

specialize in专攻;专门从事
例句:Dr. White specialized in children's diseases.