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1. Spain's Labor Ministry says the number of people filing claims for unemployment benefits rose in August, bringing the total to 4.13 million.

bring to使达到…
例句:This last thing will bring the bill to over £500.

2. The number claiming unemployment benefits in Spain went up by more than 50,000 last month.

go up上升, 上涨, 提高, 增加, 增高
例句:The temperature is going up; will the snow melt?
气温正逐渐上升, 雪会融化吗?

3. Spain, like a number of European nations, is struggling with a major public deficit.

struggle with与…打架, 与…斗争
例句:We still have to struggle with all kinds of difficulties.

4. Greece, Portugal and Ireland have already had to borrow money from their euro neighbors in order to avoid defaulting on their debts.

borrow from从…借入; 借用
例句:She used to borrow money from her friends.
default on拖欠…
例句:He defaulted on his payments for support of the child.

5. The controversial move is aimed at calming investor fears over Spain's public finances.

aim at以…为目标
例句:The visit was aimed at expanding the relations between the two countries.

6. Worries about recession and slow growth opened the talks, with New York University economist Nouriel Roubini warning of a "significant probability" of a double-dip recession.

warn of发出关于…的警告
例句:The weather station warned of severe snowfalls ahead.

7. Speaking from the conference, Harvard University Economics Professor Martin Feldstein says the outlook in the United States and across much of Europe is grim, not to mention Spain.

not to mention更不用说
例句:Old folk and children alike are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth.
老人、小孩都不赞成这个建议, 更不用说年轻人了。

8. 14 million Americans are out of work.

out of work失业
例句:There are plenty of men out of work.