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1. Citizens want to see their former leader and those around him facing justice at home.

at home在国内
例句:These things can all be manufactured at home.

2. As the reports spread, so, too, did speculation that some of the Gadhafi loyalists may be headed on to Burkina Faso, which has offered safe haven to the ousted leader.

head on迎面地
例句:The lorries crashed head on.

3. He must be in front of the Libyan people here.

in front of当着…的面
例句:I admit now that I was wrong, and I am ready to acknowledge it in front of everyone.
现在我承认自己错了, 并准备当众认错。

4. "He must bring the mafia -- those criminals -- to stay here."

bring to把…带给(某人), 带往(某处)
例句:She was brought to my home.

5. Several members of Gadhafi's immediate family have already taken refuge in neighboring Algeria.

take refuge避难,(以掩饰等手段)逃脱困境
例句:A thunderstorm forced him to take refuge at a hut.

6. The possible movement of key ex-officials out of Libya comes as the NTC grapples with taking control of the last remaining Gadhafi-held towns.  

grapple with  努力应付困境(或解决难题)
例句:I’ve spent all afternoon grappling with these accounts.
take control of控制
例句:A military junta took control of the country.

7. Tuesday, giving his supporters until Saturday to lay down their arms or face an attack.

lay down放下; 使躺下
例句:The enemy laid down their arms.

8. Negotiations with tribal representatives and Gadhafi supporters have been held on and off for days.

on and off断断续续, 有时
例句:It rained on and off all day

9. The provisional leaders have also been making headway on other, practical matters.

make headway取得进展
例句:She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills.

10. Even Yusef, the man who wanted Gadhafi to suffer, showed his sense of humor was intact, riffing on the former leader's famous vow to hunt down rebels street by street, house by house, alleyway by alleyway.

hunt down搜索直至找到(某物)
例句:The police have hunted down the escaped prisoner.