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1. The meeting in Montpellier, France, stems from last November’s G20 summit in Seoul, South Korea.

stem from来自, 起源于; 由…造成
例句:The present wave of strikes stems from discontent among the lower-paid.

2. During that conference, France, Japan, Canada and Brazil were asked to focus more on food security.

focus on对(某事或做某事)予以注意
例句:Today we're going to focus on the question of homeless people.
今天, 我们主要讨论无家可归者的问题。

3. For guidance, they called on U.N. agencies, the World Bank, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, known as CGIAR, and the Global Forum on Agricultural Research, or GFAR.

call on要求, 请求
例句:He called on his friends to help him.

4. “It’s increasing the cooperation and coordination amongst the G20 and their agricultural research systems and how those are mobilized better into working directly in support of developing country needs,” said Mark Holderness, executive secretary of GFAR.

in support of 支持
例句:The judge quoted various cases in support of his opinion.

5. They all have huge capabilities in their own right and they’re just beginning to reach out and mobilize those for other countries.

reach out (使)伸出
例句:I reached out a hand and caught the ball.

6. The products of research should be serving the needs, in particular, of the poor farmers.

in particular尤其, 特别
例句:She likes fruit and tomatoes in particular.
她喜欢水果, 尤其是西红柿。

7. Too often, he said, advances in research take priority over actually using those advances to help farmers.

take over在…上花费
例句:I have taken two years over this book.

8. Brazil, Russia, India and China make up what are called the BRIC countries – an acronym made of the first letters of their names.

make up组成, 构成
例句:How many countries make up the Common Market?

9. And that in itself carries implications for ability to take up new opportunities or to make incomes from that

take up接受
例句:No one dared take up the challenge.

10. And if we don’t start asking the questions now about what kind of agriculture we’re going to need then to feed that population, to ensure that farmers have a viable livelihood, to ensure that environments are still able to produce that much, then frankly we’re letting not just ourselves down as researchers, but we’re letting the world down

let down使失望, 失信
例句:He is a bit let down by the low grade he got.
这次成绩不好, 他有点气馁。