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1. Every Wednesday, they descend upon a cavernous warehouse in Crumpton, Maryland, wandering past rows of long tables where they're liable to find everything from fedora hats to fishing rods and china vases to corner cupboards.

descend upon突然袭击; 向...涌来
例句:Letters of application descended upon them like snowflakes.
be liable to该受(罚), 应遵守..., 有...的倾向, 易于...
例句:We are all liable to make mistakes when we're tired.

2. Most of the merchandise - up to 4,000 items on a busy day - comes from estates, houses being cleared when families move or someone dies.

come from来自某处, 源自
例句:Knowledge comes from practice.

3. Antique dealers, collectors, designers, inn keepers and curiosity seekers come to check out the offerings.

check out检查, 核对, 核实
例句:They checked out all the goods in the store.

4. Maryland antique dealer Brooke Logan browses a table crowded with lamps and vases.

crowd with以…充〔挤〕满
例句:The bus was crowded with passengers.

5. There’s a lot of good art that comes through here, so you just have to keep your eye out.

come through到达
例句:Has the train come through?

6. Depending on the size of the crowd and the number of items, up to three auctioneers work at the same time.

depend on随…而定
例句:Whether the game will be played depends on the weather.

7. It’s not like you know you’re going to pay one price for anything.

pay for为…付钱
例句:I have to pay 150 dollars for the sewing machine.

8. We come out here and pick up used bikes and work on them, fix them up, add some parts, take some parts away, and sell them.

pick up拾起, 捡起; 抬起
例句:I picked up your book by mistake.
fix up修理, 修补
例句:The old machine was fixed up and put to work again.
那台旧机器修好了, 又开始转动了。

9. I’ve found some really unique things out here, a lot of signed records show up in weird boxes.

show up到场, 出席,如约赶到,出现,露面
例句:He promised to come on Tuesday but he never showed up.
他答应星期二来, 可是一直未露面。

10. The rainy weather seems to have put a damper on today's auction, which is quieter than usual, with fewer buyers and sellers.

put a damper on使…扫兴;抑制
例句:The heavy rain puts a damper on our picnic plans.

11. But there are some frequent customers who continue to turn up.

turn up出现
例句:He didn't turn up until half an hour later.