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1. Busy commuters waiting for their trains can quickly scan these virtual shelves using their smart phones, order goods, and expect to find their orders delivered to their doorstep by the time they return home.

wait for等待, 等候
例句:He is waiting for something good to turn up.
by the time到…时候为止
例句:He had left by the time we reached home.

2. The concept was adapted to meet the needs of the Chinese market by Yihaodian.com, a young online store which borrowed the idea from the trials of virtual supermarkets conducted by Tesco in neighboring and technology-savvy South Korea.

adapt to变得习惯于…, 使适应于, 能应付…
例句:I adapted quickly to the new climate.
borrow from从…借入; 借用
例句:Rome borrowed many ideas from Greece.

3. Smart phone users are often quite young, they grew up with mobile phones, and many owned them in middle school.

grow up成长
例句:The boys grew up.

4. They are very used to working on mobile phones, and this includes shopping.

be used to习惯于
例句:She is used to hard work.
work on致力于…
例句:He has been working on a new novel for over a year now.
近一年多来, 他一直在写一部新小说。

5. Shanghai resident Lian Jianhao says that he favours the convenience of mobile e-commerce, but he would like to see customer service and security improved before he decides to go for it.

go for去找某人, 想得到…, 争取
例句:Kent's going for the tennis championship this year.

6. Its next plan is to roll out these virtual supermarkets at bus stops and other smaller cities across the country.

roll out辗平;铺开
例句:They rolled out the new carpet.