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1. Los Angeles homeowner Robert Smith gets tangy peppers and tasty tomatoes by walking into his front yard.

walk into走进
I saw her walking into a shop.

2. You can't grow everything that you might get used to eating for certain recipes, but the taste out of the food that I can grow here , especially like right now the tomatoes are just amazing.

get used to习惯于
例句:It takes time to get used to new shoes.

3. How do we get food to lower-income communities that maybe don't have access to the sorts of grocery stores where they would normally go to buy their food?

have access to接近,使用
例句:Students must have access to good books.

4. And one thing that we've been advocating in that context is, we don't look at how to purchase food in those communities, but also how to grow it there

look at评判; 审视; 看, 注视(某人或某物)
例句:The difficulty can now be looked at in a different light.