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1. Moneyball is based on a true story.

base on使建立在…基础上
例句:These charges are based on facts.

2. While the A's scouts set out to recruit young, unseasoned college and high school players to fill out the roster, Beane happened on young economist Peter Brand who used statistical analysis …a mathematical technique called "saber metrics" …to build an affordable team that could win games.

set out动身, 出发
例句:A visitor arrived just as we were setting out for the airport.
fill out填写(表格等)
例句:Please fill out the attached blank.

3. Brad Pitt stars as Billy Beane and is also a producer on the film that went through several writers and directors before Pitt was able to get it made.

go through经由(某人)处理;通过(某人)请求(帮忙)
例句:If you want a special favour, you have to go through the director.

4. It's not your conventional story or storyline, but I couldn't let go of the story of these guys who were trapped in an unfair situation and by necessity they had to think differently.

let go of释放,放开
例句:Never let go of your beloved.
trap in用…捕捉; 使困于
例句:They were trapped in the burning hotel.

5. In this story, Miller says he was especially interested in how Billy Beane dealt with his own history as a promising young player whose career in the big leagues never worked out …at least not on the field.

deal with应付, 处理; 对待
例句:He must deal with many difficulties.
work out作出; 制订出
例句:The plan has already been worked out, and could be put into operation at a moment's notice.

6. "It is very much a film about baseball, but I saw it as a film about a guy whose life did not turn out the way it was supposed to …the way it had been described to him," explains Miller.

turn out 结果是, 原来是
例句:It turned out that he was never there.

7. Once you begin to pull on that string and really challenge everything that you know about yourself, about your past and about decisions you've made, it ends up being much bigger than a sports story.

pull on继续拉;继续划(船)
例句:We shall have to pull on until our strength fails.
end up (以…)结束; 最终成为〔变得〕
例句:They all ended up puzzled.

8. It co-stars Jonah Hill as the bright young economist Peter Brand, with Phillip Seymour Hoffman as the "A's" veteran manager Art Howe, who battles against the new methods.

battle against与…作斗争, 与…搏斗
例句:The mountain climbers had to battle against great difficulties.

9. The statistical analysis technique of building a team proved so successful that sports managers from around the world have traveled to Oakland to learn about it from Billy Beane.

learn about得知有关…的消息
例句:How did you learn about the meeting?