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哈里王子大婚在即 新娘梅根或打破王室传统在婚宴上演讲


Meghan Markle is expected to deliver her own speech at her wedding to Prince Harry – breaking centuries of tradition.


The former actress is understood to be ready to speak during a reception at Windsor Castle following the weeding ceremony on May 19 which is expected to be attended by 800 guests, The Sunday Times reports.


It is understood that Ms Markle’s 73-year-old father Thomas, a former Hollywood lighting director, is likely to walk his daughter down the aisle but is less likely to make a speech at the reception.


If her father will not speak for her, Ms Markle is understood to want to have the opportunity to thank Prince Harry, the Queen, her family and friends in an “affectionate” tribute – a move which breaks with regal customs.


Ms Markle, who is expected to be made a Duchess on the day, might even dare to make a couple of jokes, the paper reports, and is said to have Prince Harry’s full support.


Although this is no small feat for the American who will have to deliver the speech in front of hundreds of guests including the Queen, Ms Markle has some practice in public speaking.


A UN women’s advocate, Ms Markle promoted gender equality and publicly supported Emma Watson’s He For She campaign.

梅根是联合国妇女事业的倡导者,一直致力于推动性别平等,并公开支持艾玛.沃特森在联合国发表的“He For She”反歧视演讲。

In 2015, she gave a speech before the UN secretary general ban Ki Moon saying: “I am proud to be a woman and a feminist.... A wife is equal to her husband.”


Prince Harry is still to announce his best man and his brother Prince William is widely tipped to be among his top choices.
