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1. Molten copper, at more than 1100 degrees Celsius, is the start of a manufacturing process that turns out an astounding variety of products from jewelry to massive electrical systems.

turn out结果是, 原来是
例句:He said he was a doctor; but later he turned out to be a cheat.
他自称是个医生, 结果证明他是个骗子。

2. "Over the years, copper has tended to go up when growth is strong and down when global growth is weaker," said Malpass.

tend to 趋向
例句:Modern furniture design tends to simplicity.
go up上升, 上涨, 提高, 增加, 增高
例句:The goods have gone up in price.

3. Copper is so important to the economy that miners go deep into the earth in search of the ore.

go into进入
例句:They went into the hall together.
in search of寻找
例句:The scientists are in search of a new element

4. They joke that "Doctor Copper" has been so good at tracking economic issues, it must have a Ph. D.

be good at擅长
例句:She is good at singing.

5. But stock market turmoil recently clouded copper's insights as investors fled falling stocks and bought commodities, pushing up the price.

push up推上去; 增高, 提高
例句:A shortage of building land will push property values up.

6. Demand from China also boosted prices, at least until worries about slowing Chinese growth sparked a sharp price drop.

worry about担忧, 烦恼
例句:He worried about how to make his living.

7. Copper is often mined from massive, incredibly deep pits, where huge machines devour the earth and giant trucks haul many tons of ore away to be processed.

haul away拖走
例句:The tractor hauled the load away.