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1. From Washington, D.C., to Cupertino, and from Hong Kong to the Blogosphere, news that Apple co-founder Steve Jobs passed away at age 56 came as a jolt, especially to Apple users like Mark Ciolli.

pass away去世
例句:He passed away peacefully.

2. "I, sort of, thought that it was a marketing stunt, and sure enough it was confirmed..."

sort of 有几分地,有那么点儿
例句:I sort of thought you might say that.

3. Tracy Mathieu-Huffman was equally shaken. Emotional and fresh from bed - her iPhone belting out music - she had to get to Apple store again.

belt out拉开嗓门唱;热情演奏
例句:No one can belt out those old songs as she can .

4. A lot of people were very critical of the iPhone 4S, because many were expecting the iPhone 5 to come out.

come out出现
例句:A new model will come out this summer.

5. The 4-S really standing for Steve.

stand for代表;象征
例句:The American flag stands for freedom and justice.

6. As the news broke, people flocked to Apple stores, like the one here in Washington, D.C. They've laid flowers, pictures, candles and personalized notes acknowledging what Steve Jobs meant to them, but also the change he brought to the world.

bring to把…带给(某人), 带往(某处)
例句:Last night's storm brought several trees to the ground.

7. Another scene of emotional outpouring is the blogosphere, where many first learned of Jobs' death.

learn of听说…
例句:They offered help as soon as they learned of the accident.

8. "The greatest testament to this person who just passed, is that most people found out about his passing on a device that he invented, or created, or helped design," said Smith.

find out发现, 看穿, 揭发
例句:I'll find out about planes to New York.
pass on传递; 去世
例句:I'm sorry to learn that your dear mother has just passed on.