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1. Hamas, which took control of Gaza four years ago, has been isolated diplomatically because it refuses to recognize Israel and backs an armed struggle against it.

take control of控制, 掌管
例句:George took control of the business when his father died.

2. Abdul Hadi says Hamas may be looking for a new location for its Syria-based leaders as the Syrian government comes under increasing Arab criticism for its violent crackdown on a seven-month-old popular uprising.

look for寻找
例句:He began to look for a new job immediately after he was fired.

3. Analysts say the deal also serves the interests of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has been under pressure to obtain the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit since he was captured, at the age of 19 years, by Hamas five years ago.

at the age of在…岁时
例句:He became a doctor at the age of 27.

4. Israel also is worried that upcoming elections in Egypt might bring into power a government that would be less favorable to mediating a prisoner exchange.

bring into使进入某种状态
例句:The new law will be brought into force by midnight tomorrow.

5. Following the border incident, a mob attacked the Israeli embassy in Cairo, leading to the evacuation of its staff. 

lead to导致, 引起
例句:An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.

6. The Israeli government announced Tuesday it would apologize for the border shooting and compensate the victims' families.

apologize for为…道歉, 替…道歉
例句:I must apologize for the dreadful mistake I made.

7. Abdul Hadi says the Egyptian government also stands to benefit from its diplomacy.

benefit from通过…获益
例句:He thought he would benefit from going to school.

8. "The new Egypt is interested in achieving a success on the Palestinian front for many reasons inside Egypt and in the region as well; in terms of security, in terms of movement of people, in terms of Gaza, in terms of Sinai," added Hadi.

be interested in对…感兴趣
例句:I made John be interested in the puzzle.
in terms of就…而言, 从…方面说来
例句:He thought of everything in terms of money.