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1. Hu Fulin, president of China's largest eyeglass manufacturer in Wenzhou, fled to the United States in late September, leaving 236 million US dollars in debt owed to both Chinese banks and individual creditors.

in debt欠债
例句:I'm heavily in debt at the moment, but hope to be out of debt when I get paid.
我现在负债累累, 但希望拿到工资后就能把债务还清。
owe to欠…(某物)
例句:The plant still owes 500, 000 to the bank.

2. The money that I am borrowing from other banks to pay off the debt is very hard to be approved.

borrow from从…借入; 借用
例句:She used to borrow money from her friends.
pay off付清, 还清
例句:You must pay off your old loan before you can obtain a new one.
你必须还清旧账, 然后才能再借款。

3. I have no other choice but to leave the country.

have no choice but非…不可,除…之外别无他法
例句:You have no choice but to give up.
你别无选择, 只能投降。

4. The Wenzhou Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development Association says that more than 90 private entrepreneurs have gone into hiding in recent weeks to avoid repaying high-interest informal loans.

go into进入(某种状态)
例句:He went into a rage when he learned about it.

5. Meanwhile, the local authorities have promised to crack down on demanding repayment of debt by force.

crack down采取严厉措施, 制裁
例句:The police are really beginning to crack down on drivers who park their cars just where they like.

6. With the on-going debt crisis, small and medium-sized enterprises in Wenzhou have agreed to unite to stay out of the debt problems.

stay out of不参与…;不插手;置身于…之外
例句:I should stay out of trouble if I were you.

7. We have offered 190 million yuan, or around 30 million US dollars for 14 enterprises, some of which are on the brink of bankruptcy to pay off the debts.

on the brink of濒临,处于…边缘
例句:The company is on the brink of bankruptcy.

8. Analysts say the Wenzhou debt crisis is an extreme case of private firms struggling to survive the liquidity crunch resulting from the country's current macroeconomic control policies, which have been designed to cool inflation and rein in the runaway property market.

result from产生于…, 由…引起
例句:His failure resulted from not working hard enough.