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2011-10-17来源:Late show

Isit a, it seems like would be a nuisance, to have that in your head,right?

Iwould not be a very happy person if I could remember everythinganyone ever said to me, I'd probably be a pretty angry, mean,because, you know, you don't forget anything, so if anyone ever saidanything nasty to you, how would you ever forget them?

Right,but it must be in some way be useful, don't you think? Could it beuseful to have that historic compilation?

Yes,it depends on what you're using it for, I mean, I imagine yes, as acop, for me on my show, it's very useful, it helps me solve crimes.

Andyou don't need take...(notes)?

Nothing,I don't have to , which is a bummer, because without a trace, I usedto write all my lines on my notepad and rip them off, but because Iremember every time on the show, no I can't

Nowis it true that you remember everything except when your sister ismurdered?

Theday my sister was murdered. Because...

Nowis that fabrication or has that happened truly?

No,not that specific event, but this ability can actually be triggeredby, I believe there was one woman who Jill Prize who said that herswas triggered by a traumatic event in her life, and that's when itstarted.

That'swhen her memory began?

Yeah,when she remembers it becoming so big and ....

Right,and of the six people, it's hard to imagine, that there's someversion of human condition shared by only a half a dozen, isn't it?

Imean, I think there's probably more people out there, and the morepublicity it gets, the more we'll come forward, I think they'veactually found more and more people, but there's percentages ofmemory, of retention, I guess.

Yeah,it's creepy.

Ithink it's kind of cool, I'd like to try it for a day, I'd like totest drive it, see how I did, when I had lunch with Mary Lu, all Iremember was thinking if I get spinach in my teeth or boogers hangingout of my nose, she will never forget it, and I sat at that lunch,the entire time, terrified, I mean I was frozen, I kept wiping mynose, I was like touching my, she remembered everything.

Yousee, if you and I went to lunch and I had a horrible memory, I toowill never forget that. I think that's for...