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贾斯汀·比伯上节目 自爆想25岁结婚


O: I read this, tell me if it's true that you wanna to be married by the time you are 25?

B: I think so,yeah.

O: Rethink that, will you?

B: Why?

O: I think 25 is too young, actually.

B: You do?

O: I really do. You are entitled to your opinion, but rethink it.

B: OK.

O: OK?

B:I mean I will see when I get there, I'm not even, I'm not there yet, but that was what I...

O: Do you want a lot of kids?

B: Em, I want handful. I really don't have a lot of friends. I have like 3 close friends, that I, you know, that will fly out to see me or, you know, I’ll chat with or, you know, call, but I mean that's really the truth, you know, you just feel sometimes you just need someone to be there with you now. That's can be lonely

O: Do you ever get depressed?

B: Sometimes,yeah, not like super super super depressed, but like I get days when I'm just down, and you know, gloomy.