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22岁小伙结婚遭父亲反对 惨遭家人用勺子挖去双眼


What should have been one of the happiest days of a love-struck man’s life turned to tragedy when his father and brothers gouged his eyes out for wanting to marry a woman of his choice. Abdul Baqi, from Nasirabad village in Pakistan’s Balochistan province, on Saturday expressed his desire to his family that he wants to marry a girl he was in relationship with.


The 22-year-old asked the family to take an engagement proposal to the girl’s house. But the news did not go down well with his father and brothers. His 70-year-old father Dost Muhammmad and four brothers - Abdul Ghani, Abdul Sattar, Abdul Rehman and Abdul Karim - held him in a room and gouged out his eyes of their sockets. They locked his mother in another room so that she could not intervene and save her son.

这位22岁的人要求其家人向女孩家提出订婚建议。 但他的父亲和兄弟并不赞同。 他70岁的父亲Dost Muhammmad和四兄弟Abdul Ghani,Abdul Sattar,Abdul Rehman和Abdul Karim将他光在一间房间里,挖出了他的眼睛。他们将母亲锁在另一个房间里,以便她不能介入并救她的儿子。

Baqi, who is currently admitted in Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Centre in Karachi, said: "I requested my father and brothers that I want to marry a girl I have been in relationship with. "My father agreed first. But, three hours later I was taken to a room by my father and four brothers where they tied me to a bed and started taking out my eyes. "I kept shouting at them what were they doing? But they didn’t listen to my pleas." Narrating the tragic incident, Baqi said: "My father used the back of a spoon to take out my first eye. I saw my eye dangling out of the socket. "He then used a knife to cut the veins.


"When they removed my first eye, I requested them to leave me now. But they didn’t listen to me at all and removed the other one as well. "After they finished, I pleaded to them to please kill me now but they replied they want me be an example for other boys in the village." Abdul Baqi was rushed to a government-run hospital in Quetta by his other siblings, who were informed by neighbours about the incident.


From Quetta, he was immediately referred to Karachi’s Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Centre, where doctors confirmed Baqi won’t be able to see again. His brother Abdul Gaffar, 24, who is with Baqi in the hospital, said: "I was not at home when the incident happened. I received a call from my neighbour that something is wrong at your home. "I immediately rushed home and I was shocked to see my brother crying in pain. "We had no money at home. Some friends and neighbours helped us with Rs 35000.
