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2011-10-18来源:ABC news

Nowthere's a dramatically different you.



Icut my hair. Is that what you're talking about, right.

Youcut your hair and it just make you look like you drop 30 pounds.


Isthat what it is? Because this, that was it.

It'sjust re... I've a really incredible hairstyle. Yes, Yeah.

Didyou have a secret, did you do the Seth Rogen Diet?

Idon't know what Seth did, I know, I think Seth went to this trainer,I went to this nutritionist, and he really helped me understandnutrition.

Canyou still eat pizza?

No,God no.

Oh,then I'm sad, I'm just sad.

Yeah,it's just a bummer.

That'sthe only thing I couldn't give up.

That'the one, well, yeah, basically, he had you write down the things thatyou, like your favorite food, and it' was like my, it was the menu ofa six-year-old birthday party, it was like chicken fingers and pizza,you know, like absurd things for an adult person to be consuming,and, yeah, and you know, it was unique, and it was interesting tolearn about and it was just something I have really gravitatedtowards and made a part of my existence.

What'sthe favorite of your new food?



Youknow, it's funny, coz I used to never eat, I used to literally don'tthink I ever eat vegetables,

Andnow they're there, now the union and broccoli are your ....

Andnow it tastes good to me, that's the only one that I actually likedbefore.


Thatwas the one when you're a kid, you know, the usually one you cantolerate, that was my one, like I could like tolerate, and now I eata lot of Japanese food, and they cook the vegetables with soy sauces.The stuff is good.
