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尽管有疫苗 儿童仍死于轮状病毒



1. But he points out that children in richer countries usually get proper treatment if they get sick.

point out指出
例句:He pointed out the mistake to me.

2. "In contrast, in developing countries, you get a lot more fatal outcomes," he says.

in contrast相比之下
例句:It was cold yesterday, but in contrast it's very hot today.
昨天天气寒冷, 而相比之下今天却很热。

3. Of the nearly half-million rotavirus deaths each year among children younger than age five, India alone accounted for almost 100,000
account for占有,占...百分比; 说明〔解释〕…原因,证明; 对...负有责任
例句:APEC members account for more than half of the world's economic output.

4. Researchers wanted to establish a baseline of rotavirus-related deaths prior to the introduction of vaccines, which were licensed in 2006 but were just starting to be used in the timeframe covered by the study.

prior to在…之前
例句:The will was made two days prior to his death.

5. Parashar says the vaccines were initially limited to more developed countries, because more testing was needed before they could be used in resource-poor settings.

limit to (把…)限制在…, 局限于…
例句:We must limit the expenses to $100 a month.

6. So the vaccines are just about to be rolled out over the next two years.

roll out大量生产
例句:Our factory rolls out 8,000 bottles of beer every day.
我们工厂每天生产8 000 瓶啤酒。