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1. For refugees, starting over in a new country can feel like landing on a new planet.

start over重新开始
例句:After the fire, we had to start over and build the business again from the beginning.
那场火灾之后, 我们不得不再从头开始重建。
land on落到…上; (使)在…上登陆
We never imagined that men would land on the moon.

2. In America’s Pacific Northwest, a program to ease the refugee resettlement experience is helping people put down new roots, literally, through agriculture

put down放下
例句:Put down that book and help your mother with the dishes.
放下那本书, 帮你母亲洗餐具。

3. The group is known for its international development work, but a local division helps people in Washington state and Oregon.

be known for因…而众所周知
例句:It is well known for its lead mines.

4. “We started working with refugees, engaging them in urban agriculture in 2004, with the motivation that food is a connector, and there was growing interest in local food," says John Haines, who directs the local program.

engage in参加; 从事; 忙于
例句:He engaged in a serious study of the problem.

5. First, they speak very little English, and often have little formal education, which limits their ability to use most training materials.

limit to (把…)限制在…, 局限于…
例句:We must limit the expenses to $100 a month.

6. They also have to adapt to a different climate.

adapt to变得习惯于…, 使适应于, 能应付…
例句:I adapted quickly to the new climate.

7. “For example, these farmers are really into planting beans spaced out farther than I like," farm manager David Beller says.

space out留间隔, 把…拉开距离
例句:The pictures in the gallery were well spaced out.

8. And I’m convinced of exactly the opposite.

convince of使(某人)认识到, 相信…
例句:The buyer was convinced of the salesman's integrity.

9. The hard work is paying off.

pay off使得益; 有报偿
例句:John studied hard before the examination, and it paid off.He made an A.
约翰在考试前努力学习, 这没有白费, 他得了个A。

10. And the benefits go beyond the economic.

go beyond超出, 超载
例句:You have gone beyond your power.