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1. The U.S. economy added 80,000 jobs in October and the nation's unemployment rate edged down one tenth of a percentage point.

edge down渐落;微降;缓缓接近
例句:A small boat edged down upon the big steamer.

2. U.S. unemployment is at its lowest level in six months. But at 9 percent, it is still too high for the 13.9 million Americans out of work.

out of work失业
例句:The recession has put millions out of work.

3. Like many others, Judy visits this unemployment office in Virginia looking for job leads.

look for寻找(某人或某物)
例句:He began to look for a new job immediately after he was fired.

4. Recently laid off, Kevin Norris understands her frustration.

lay off暂时解雇,裁员
例句:The factory has laid off workers because of the drop in sales.

5. The idea of not working for a living, and you know, letting somebody else help me out and letting somebody else pay my bills, just, it drives me crazy.

help out帮助, 帮助…出来
例句:Don't count on other people to help you out of trouble.

6. But Virginia Employment Commission Manager Dottie Brown urges anyone looking for work not to give up.

give up放弃
例句:The girl gave up halfway.

7. She said unemployed workers should take advantage of the center's job readiness programs.

take advantage of利用
例句:He took advantage of the good weather to go for a walk.

8. So we have resume writing, we do interviewing skills, we do mock interviews, we build morale back up.

back up支持,证实;增援,后援
例句:He backed up his arguments with facts.

9. President Barack Obama has proposed a $447-billion jobs package to be paid for by higher taxes on wealthy Americans.

pay for为…付钱
例句:How much did you pay for the book?

10. The recession that began in December 2007 wiped out nearly 8 million jobs.

wipe out彻底摧毁, 消灭
例句:The earthquake wiped out the whole town.