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1. As Europe grapples with its financial crisis, ambivalence is growing among many Europeans about the region's common currency.

grapple with 努力应付困境(或解决难题)
例句:I’ve spent all afternoon grappling with these accounts.

2. Sovereign debt and banking problems that began in Greece have spread to other eurozone countries, sparking protests and bringing down several governments - most recently Italy's.

bring down击败…
例句:At the next vote, we must try to bring down the government.
下次选举时, 我们一定设法击败政府。

3. Even in Brussels, the administrative heart of the European Union, citizens like George Missikos are thinking twice about the European currency.

think twice三思, 反复考虑
例句:He told me to think twice before speaking.

4. Analyst Simon Tilford, chief economist for the Center for European Reform, said such a scenario cannot be ruled out.

rule out宣布…不可能; 排除…的可能性
例句:The regulations rule out anyone under the age of eighteen.
按规定, 18岁以下的人都不能参加。

5. But 70-year-old retiree Henri Souques, who joined demonstrations in Paris, said the euro should not be blamed for Europe's problems.

blame for因…怪罪, 责怪(某人)
例句:The conductor is blamed for the accident.