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1. It was in Honolulu that he spent many of his teenage years growing up and getting an education.

grow up长大, 成熟
例句:Tom wants to be a coach when he grows up.

2. We got the idea because we wanted to tell the story of Dr. Sun to our students and remind them of the greatness that he brought not only to China, but also to the theme that he brought to Iolani School.

remind of提醒;使想起
例句:He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgotten.
亏他提醒我, 要不然我就忘了。

3. After graduation, he enrolled in Oahu College, now known as the Punahou School, for further studies.

enroll in (使)加入
例句:He has enrolled himself in advanced English.

4. And I'm also proud of being Chinese.

be proud of因…而自豪
例句:We are proud of our motherland.

5. It was committed to revolution to restore China's prosperity.

be committed to献身于,致力于
例句:The government is committed to promoting quality project management.

6. Here I was brought up and educated; and it was here that I came to know what modern, civilized governments are like and what they mean.

bring up教育, 养育(孩子)
例句:My aunt brought up four children.