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Sam Ohu Gon: If you look in the Hawaiian Islands – below 2,000 feet – by and large you’re going to have a very hard time finding native plants and animals. You are listening to Sam Ohu Gon in Hawaii. Above 2,000 feet things get a little bit better. And the more remote and higher you go from where people are, which is down near the coast, that’s where you’ll find the most intact, remaining pieces of Hawaiian native biodiversity.


Gon is senior scientist and cultural advisor for the Nature Conservancy of Hawaii. His job is to help preserve Hawaii’s diversity of plants and animals. He said the eight islands in the Hawaiian chain have more distinct ecosystems than all of Brazil.


Sam Ohu Gon: In the Hawaiian Islands, in a five-mile distance, you can go from mountain wet forest, down through a shrubland, and into low land dry forest, and then onto a coast dune system, and then enter the ocean.


Invasive species plus climate change are major problems in Hawaii. Large areas are protected, but Gon said it is challenging to manage what lives there.


Sam Ohu Gon: Just setting up a preserve and walking away doesn’t work in Hawaii.


He mentioned a conservation success on the island of Maui, where a native forest recovered to support endangered birds, after non-native plants and animals were manually removed.


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