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1. As a special congressional committee in Washington has been wrestling with ways to reduce the US budget deficit, students in Los Angeles and other American cities have also been tackling the problem.

wrestle with全力对付,设法解决; 与…角力,与…搏斗
例句:I have been wrestling with the difficult examination paper the whole night.

2. “I want to grow up, go to college, get a good job, have kids maybe, a dog and a house," he said.

grow up长大, 成熟
例句:Tom wants to be a coach when he grows up.

3. The hardest thing for us to figure out was the little cuts like the gas money and stuff, increasing taxes on gas, because we felt it would have effects everywhere from the truck drivers shipping our stuff across the country or when you order from [the online retailer] Amazon or whatever, to you drive when you're going to work. 

figure out计算出; 解决;想出
例句:I have figured out how much during the week I spent.

4.  But then the other half was, oh, we can take troops out of Iraq and we all agreed on that

agree on对某事〔物〕有同样看法, 商定〔同意〕某事, 商定做某事
例句:We agree on the question.

5. The broadcaster American Public Media co-developed the budget game, and the man in charge of digital innovation at the media network, Joaquin Alvarado, says many who play online leave a comment.

in charge of主管,负责
例句:I'll be in charge of the whole factory next week when the director is away.
下周厂长不在时, 我将负责整个工厂。

6. And sadly, a lot of Congress is a fact-free universe, and that is tragic for our country, for our country's reputation, and for our economy and the livelihoods of millions of people who are presently out of work

out of work失业
例句:The recession have put millions out of work.