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1. Kermit, created by the late Jim Henson as a combination of marionette and puppet - hence, "Muppet," led audiences through a variety show of wacky acts with a parade of human guest stars joining in the absurdist humor.

join in参加, 加入
例句:Do you know how many of them joined in the research project?

2. But those happy half-hours are long gone and, in the new film, the old Muppet theater is about to be torn down unless they can raise $10 million.

tear down拆毁; 拆卸
例句:The old houses have been torn down.

3. The only way to raise that kind of money would be …to put on a show.

put on上演, 演出; 展览
例句:We are going to put on an exhibition of cultural relics next Tuesday.

4. "It's hard to get a movie made in general, but I think the big thing we had to get across was that we weren't trying to do it with a sense of irony …that it wasn't us making the Muppets with a 'wink-wink' attached to it," Segel explains.

get across(使)被理解; (使)被接受
例句:The message got across all right.
attach to (使)贴〔系, 粘〕在…上
例句:He attached his horse to a tree.

5. However, he says The Muppets has the added challenge of re-introducing its characters to a younger audience.

add to增加, 加强
例句:The perfect coordination of the dancers and singers added a rhythmic charm to the performance.
舞蹈演员和歌手们配合得很好, 使演出更具魅力。

6. "The Muppets remind us of the best versions of ourselves," Segel says.

remind of使(某人)想起…
例句:The film reminded him of what he had seen in Paris.

7. The sense of wide-eyed wonder that the world eventually beats out of you is something the Muppets have refused to let go away.

beat out弄明白,搞清楚(意义、真相等);(经反复推敲)阐明
例句:She wants to beat out the purpose of my coming.
go away消失;停止,停息
例句:The pain will go away soon.

8. I think in this more cynical world where a lot of comedy now comes through making jokes at other people's expense, the Muppets refuse to go there.

come through经历...仍活着,安然渡过
例句:She came through a serious illness last year.