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1. He says the bottom line is that poor people want better lives.

bottom line基本意思(或情况),概要; 结果
例句:The corporation's bottom line is a good profit margin.

2. That's why they are trapped into something that is against their will and against their basic rights.

trap into诱骗…使之采取某种行动
例句:You may be trapped into giving away vital information.

3. The National Plan of Action for Trafficking has been welcomed by international organizations as a positive step because it goes beyond countering trafficking for sexual exploitation.

go beyond超出, 超载
例句:You have gone beyond your power.

4. Although authorities have started paying more attention to people being trafficked for cheap labor, Florian Forster, the country director for the International Organization of Migration (IOM) says that does not mean all laborers are treated badly.

pay attention to注意,关心
例句:No attention was paid to his advice.

5. Actually, research shows internal migrants moving to urban areas are economically better off. That's one of the reasons why they move.

better off比较富裕
例句:They've got nearly all the luxuries they need; of course they're much better off than we are.
他们所需要的奢侈品几乎都有了, 当然他们比我们富裕多了。

6. He says one reason for the lack of progress is local governments not wanting to take responsibility.

take responsibility承担责任
例句:Bill refused to take responsibility for the accident.