BASIC countries' climate negotiators have held a joint press conference in Durban amid rumors that the bloc has split due to differences over major climate issues.
China's chief climate negotiator Xie Zhenhua has refuted the rumors, saying the bloc remains united.
"The fact that ministers of BASIC countries hold this press conference is to make clear our common stance. The BASIC countries are firmly united on how to address climate change. We are all responsible and are taking effective steps. We are also willing to work with other countries to meet the challenge of climate change, and expect progress to be made at the Durban conference."

Brazil's climate negotiator Luiz Alberto Figueiredo Machado has echoed the stance, saying BASIC countries are doing what they can to combat climate change.
"We are in favor of a legally binding instrument for the next phase of the fight against climate change. At the same time, we will continue to implement our commitments, the commitments we made both in Copenhagen and in Cancun, and we will implement them until 2020."
Developing countries are trying to secure a second round of emission-reduction commitment from developed countries under an extended Kyoto Protocol.
The protocol is the only globally legal agreement on cutting greenhouse gases. Its first commitment period will expire at the end of next year.
India's environment minister Jayanthi Natarajan has reiterated that developed countries should take on more responsibilities when it comes to climate change.
"BASIC countries are not major polluters. They are emerging economies and they have a right to grow. They have a very small carbon footprint in the context of historic emissions. And that, I think, is something that needs to be taken into account."
Meanwhile, South Africa's environment minister Edna Molewa has urged all participants in Durban to reach a climate agreement that everyone can be proud of.
BASIC countries are not a formal group among the four emerging nations, but they often work together to safeguard the interests of developing countries as a whole at international conferences.
For CRI, I'm Li Ningjing.
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