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In his 11th annual press conference, Russia's president expressed confidence in the country's economy.

He said that the peak of the crisis had passed and stabilisation was under way. His optimistic words came despite the low rate of the ruble and poor investment climate in Russia.

Moving on to geopolitics, Mr. Putin had tough words for Turkey and said there is no prospect for better relations between the two countries.

"We believe that the actions by the Turkish authorities with respect to our plane which they shot down, were not unfriendly but an act of enmity."
"I don't understand why they did it. What have they achieved? Did they think that we would run away from there? Of course not. Russia is not that kind of country."


Last year it was Ukraine and the West that received harsh criticism from Putin. This year, however, the focus has shifted, according to Independent Analyst Masha Lipman.

"Definitely Turkey in Putin's press conference today sounded like the enemy, the enemy country was how he referred to Turkey, and he sounded angry and he sounded irreconcilable...and this contrasted to the reconciliatory tone with regards to the United States which used to be our enemy number one until very recently..."

Mr. Putin also addressed the crisis in Syria, saying Moscow and Washington were working together to find a solution- and saying US proposals on Syria were acceptable.

Yet at the same time, the president said Russia will continue to carry out its airstrikes in Syria, so long as the Syrian army continues its military operations.

Russia and the West still remain divided over the fate of Syria. Western allies want to see President Bahshar al-Assad ousted, while Russia continues to back him.

Unlike last year Vladimir Putin seemed to regain his confidence at this year's press conference - despite the economic strain and political isolation of Russia.

FOR CRI, I am Albina Kovalyova in MOSCOW