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奥德曼新片《锅匠 裁缝 士兵 间谍》



1. He's determined to uncover a double agent "mole" in the top ranks of British intelligence.

be determined to决定
例句:A s he was not reconciled to his defeat, he was determined to try again in the next contest.

2. I'm going to have to send you off into the lion's den.

send off派往; 运出
例句:Troops were being sent off to the front.

3. Adapted from the 1974 novel by John LeCarre, the Cold War thriller was made into a five-hour television mini-series in 1979 starring Alec Guinness. Oldman is braced for comparisons.

make into把…转变为, 使成为
例句:They made the story into a play.
brace for准备,预备
例句:The villagers braced themselves for a possible flood.

4. The Guardian's Phillip French writes: "Oldman gives us a Smiley equal to Alec Guiness in a triumphant adaptation

equal to等于,胜任; 合适
例句:He doesn't seem equal to meeting our demands.

5. The actor says he is pleased that it does not try to oversimplify the novel's intricate plot or turn it into a breathless, mindless action flick.

turn into (使)变成
例句:Her bitter experience has turned her into a stronger person.

6. I am tired of being assaulted at the cinema with images and sound where I want a nap afterwards. I find movies too loud and too dumb.

be tired of厌烦
例句:I am tired of his everlasting complaints.

7. "You are at the mercy of the imagination of the people that are casting you," he explains.

at the mercy of 任…摆布, 在…前毫无办法
例句:A sailor is at the mercy of the weather.

8. So you can get into the situation that I think all actors have suffered from at one point or another where you feel that you are typecast.

suffer from受苦;患病
例句:He suffered from poverty all his life.

9. They're real actors that are coming through

come through明显地表现出来; 到达
例句:His ability came through after he began to work.
他参加工作后, 开始表现出他的能力。

10. Meanwhile, he's finishing up one more turn as Commissioner Gordon in The Dark Knight Rises coming out next year.

finish up结束, 告终
例句:We must finish up this business in a day or two.
come out出版; 发表
例句:When will his new novel come out?