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英士兵伦敦街头被杀 首相称是恐怖袭击


I’ve beenbriefed by the Home Secretary about this absolutely sickening attack inWoolwich in London.It is the most appalling crime. We are urgently seeking, and the police areurgently seeking, the full facts about this case. But there are strongindications that it is a terrorist incident. Two people at the scene of themurder were wounded by the police, and they are being treated as suspects.

The Home Secretary is chairing COBR tonight to bringtogether the police, the security services– all of the agencies – so that wegather every piece of information that we can. The police and the securityservices in the UKwill get all of the support that they need to deal with this, or indeed withany other incident. I’ll be returning to Londonlater tonight so that I can chair a COBR meeting again in the morning to makesure that we have all of the facts of this case. Tonight our thoughts should bewith the victim, with their family, with their friends. People across Britain, peoplein every community, I believe, will utterly condemn this attack. We have hadthese sorts of attacks before in our country, and we never buckle in the faceof them.