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好莱坞新一代美艳影后 查理兹·塞隆


Ilove traveling, so I do make time for that.

Wheredid you go?

Idid a little trip with one of my best friends in Spain where we flewto Barcelona and just took trains all the way through Spain.

Howare the Spanish trains?

Well,there are real... there are some really nice ones. And then I likethe more down to dirty ones, down and dirty ones.

Well,what does that mean and why do like them? Because to me, when you saydown and dirty, oh, subway. That's what I am thinking.

Thereare a little bit like that. There are the ones where nobody wouldthink Charlize Theron, Academy Award winner, Charlize Theron would beon this train. That's why I like them. People just, they go, (who,who, who else ) you look so much like that actress, but they never goyou are the actress. They just...

Soyou just, Spain, you were just getting one location to another.

Yeah,we took one train that we knew was like seven hours. And we thoughtwe would get some food on the train and then I notice somebody nextto me, a local lady, opened her lunch box and I was like oh you weresupposed to bring your own food and it's a seven-hour train and, andwe stopped at this one stop, and all of a sudden, the train startsgoing backwards, and we were on this train backwards for seven hoursgoing to Servile with no food and, and so I'm literally...

What...Far being from you tell us Spain, Spanish how to run their... Why arethey running the damn thing backwards.

Idon't know until today. I really... We were going...

They'vejust been wise guy...

Wewere going forward for an hour and then  we went backwards for sevenhours. It was the most bizarre.

Thestory in my life, one hour forward, seven hours backward, I believethat.


Whatdid learn about yourself in the country?

Hum,that I have a mad passion in love for Spanish food.


Andif I could marry it, I would.

Yeah,like a, is that legal in Spain?

Tomarry food?

Ithink anything's legal in Spain. You could probably marry a Cro Kataif you wanna to.

Oh,I was married to a Cro Kata. Believe me.