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1. Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said he would continue to push for full United Nations membership after savoring one symbolic victory for his statehood bid, watching his flag fly over the Paris-based United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

push for急切、强烈地要求, 为…奋力争取
例句:We were pushed for time and had to quit some place to visit.
由于时间紧迫, 我们只好放弃一些地方不去参观了。

2. In a moment fraught with symbolism, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stood under a pelting rain watching as his red, black, green and white flag slowly rose for the first time over the headquarters of a United Nations agency.

fraught with充满
例句:The journey was fraught with difficulties.

3. But UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova said she hoped the Palestinian membership would pave the way for peace in the Middle East.

pave the way for为...铺路
例句:Such opinions pave the way for social change.

4. Abbas described the day as an important marker in Palestinian history, one he hoped would usher in chances for greater freedom, justice and peace.

describe as描述为
例句:His employer had described him as lacking in initiative and drive.

5. Abbas applied for full UN recognition in September.

apply for申请
例句:He applied for a passport.

6. Washington contributes nearly a quarter of UNESCO's annual budget, and its funding freeze has left the agency strapped for cash.

strap for cash 缺钱;手头紧
例句:I can’t come to the cinema tonight—I’m a bit strapped for cash.

7. Abbas also held talks with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is pushing for an upgrade of Palestine's UN status to just short of full statehood.

short of缺少; 不远, 差一点; 除了…之外
例句:We stopped a mile short of the top.