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1. For 100 years, The New York Times has published some of these hard-luck stories and invited readers to contribute money to help. 

contribute to捐助;帮助
例句:How much did you contribute to the relief fund?

2. "And then, as he walked away, he thought, ‘The end of the year is a traditional time for gift giving and a lot of good spirit.

walk away走开
例句:He put his arm round me and walked me away.
他伸出手臂搂着我, 带我走开。

3. “When I began to get well, my mother passed away,” says Smith.

pass away去世
例句:He passed away peacefully.

4. That was devastating as well. She was an anchor. It was traumatic going through it - the nightmares, the getting up in the middle of the night, talking cold showers, just to try to get myself together.

go through遭受, 经受, 经历
例句:When he was a child, he went through one hardship after another.
孩提时代, 他经历了一个又一个的艰难困苦。
get together聚会;聚集;收集;积累
例句:They are trying to get the data together.

5. Smith turned to Brooklyn Community Services, which treated him for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and offered family counseling for him and his son - all subsidized by funds from Neediest Cases.

turn to求助于
例句:He was turned to for advice by all sorts of people.

6. The Neediest Cases Fund also helped pay for counseling and incidental living expenses for Garvin Henry, 35, who has suffered from mental illness most of his life.

pay for为…付钱
例句:How much did you pay for the book?
suffer from受苦;患病
例句:My father suffers from high blood pressure.

7. “I’ve been having hard times in my life,” Henry recalls. “I was breaking down with depression, stress and anger.” 

break down 被搞垮;垮掉
例句:His health has broken down because of working too hard.

8. That left her teenage daughters, Judy and Christina, to fend for themselves and care for their younger brother David.

fend for照料
例句:When his father died, Tom had to fend for himself.
care for照料, 服侍
例句:The mother cared for the sick child day and night.

9. The prom money was the start of a positive trend. Catholic Charities of America, another Times Neediest Cases Fund agency, helped the family sort out its immigration problems.

sort out整顿, 解决
例句:Have you sorted out how to get there yet?

10. Today, back in college and on her way to nursing school, she intends to give back the help she has received by helping others.

give back 归还; 恢复
例句:When can you give back the money that you owe?