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1. Once the money started to pour in, he convinced his parents he should drop out and give his internet business a real chance.

pour in使流入; 使灌入; 大量地涌进来
例句:Messages poured in with offers of support.
drop out离开, 退出
例句:He says he has dropped out, and won't attend college any more.
他说他退了学, 以后也不会去上大学了。

2. When I'm going through high school and I'm seeing that I'm bringing in more money than any of my teachers possibly could, it kind of messes with your head.

go through完成, 做完
例句:Let's go through the exercises.
bring in赚(钱), 挣(钱)
例句:The boys are bringing in good wages every week.

3. He was good at it and the rappers' praises were proof. 

be good at擅长
例句:He is good at languages.

4. He had a million fans, and nobody... they didn't have access to it and they weren't posting anything to these million fans they had out there.

have access to接近(或进入)的方法(或权利、机会等)
例句:Students must have access to good books.

5. "We are trying to turn all our knowledge that we have gotten from running Li'l Wayne digital, Little Twist digital into products and features that every artist can take advantage of," added Kazerooni.

take advantage of 利用
例句:He took advantage of the good weather to go for a walk.

6. It's so easy to jump into this and try because the worst thing that's going to happen is that you go broke and you go and try to get another job.

jump into跳入; 急于做某事; 急速行动
例句:They jumped into the discussion right away.

7. Some 50 artists with a combined total of 150 million fans have already signed up. 

sign up跟…签订合同
例句:They manage to sign up all the best performers.