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1. Zhu Fengtao is the owner of the second hand bookstore in Shanghai. His bookstore has to be closed due to closing date of his rental contract.

due to由于,因为
例句:Her absence is due to illness.

2. Although he has put up a notice of closure on the door, some customers still come in and look for books.

put up张贴
例句:We'd better put up a notice here.
look for寻找
例句:She is looking for her lost child.

3. After we released the notice that we will close by the end of December, many people have said online that it's a pity that such a good bookstore is closing.

by the end of到…为止
例句:He had finished his great works by the end of 1980.
到1980年底, 他已完成了他的巨著。

4. Last week, so many customers flocked here, and some of them have to wait in line outside.

wait in line排队等候
例句:I am really sick of wait in line for buses.

5. Now that Zhu's bookstore has attracted attention from the local government, he's searching for a new location.

search for搜索, 搜寻
例句:We searched in vain for the missing child.
我们到处寻找那孩子, 但没有找到。

6. But when it comes to those high value second hand books, they can hardly get any supply.

when it comes to当提到……;当谈到……;当涉及到……
例句:She is lazy when it comes to schoolwork.