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1. Two years short of 80, Sally Parry is one of many elderly people living on the Isle of Skye safe in the knowledge that statistically they are among the healthiest people in the UK.

short of不远, 差一点
例句:We stopped a mile short of the top.

2. She also benefits from good genes.

benefit from通过…获益
例句:He thought he would benefit from going to school.

3. They are also considerably less likely to suffer from cancer and respiratory, digestive and heart diseases than people in other parts of the UK. Dr. Tara Shivaji is a Specialist Registrar in Public Health for the National Health Service - Highland.

suffer from因(疾病)而痛或不舒服;因...而更糟;受...之苦
例句:She often suffers from headaches.

4. And these people tend to be healthier than average.

tend to趋向
例句:My grandmother tends to go to bed early every day.

5. The other reason is there are parts of Skye that are wealthier than average, and we do know that people who are better off are better able to take on these healthy behaviors, getting outside, hill walking, swimming and so on.

better off比较富裕; 情况好转
例句:They've got nearly all the luxuries they need; of course they're much better off than we are.
他们所需要的奢侈品几乎都有了, 当然他们比我们富裕多了。
take on开始做,开始执行,开始处理;承担(责任等);担任(工作)
He took on the responsibility for collecting evidence for the trial.

6. In 1984, the "Biophilia hypothesis" put forward by Harvard University entomologist Edward Wilson theorized that people are genetically programmed to prefer nature and that living in a beautiful, natural environment enhances their mental wellbeing and sense of personal fulfillment.

put forward提出
例句:He put forward a plan for the committee to consider.

7. We know that living in a beautiful environment and being able to get out there and enjoy it is a very good thing for your health.

get out出来, 出去, 走开
例句:There were so many people in the doorway that we could hardly get out.
门口那么多人, 我们简直走不出去。

8. But before you sell your home and rush off to the Isle of Skye, doctors say the key to living a long life is not just about sitting back and enjoying the scenery. Dr. Shivaji advices

rush off仓促跑掉
例句:I'm sorry to have to rush off like this.
我就这样匆忙走掉了, 很抱歉。