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1. They believe it has to do with damage to the part of the brain that’s involved in weight control.

involve in使参与〔陷入, 牵扯到〕
例句:The vast masses there have become involved in the health campaign.

2. The notion that brain damage might play a role in body weight is not a new one, according to Michael Schwartz of the Diabetes and Obesity Center at the University of Washington in Seattle.

play a role in在……扮演一个角色,在某方面起作用
例句:The headmaster plays an important role in the good running of a school.
办好一所学校, 校长起重要作用。

3. What is causing the inflammatory response and could that have something to do with the obesity itself?

have something to do with与…有关系
例句:Her diligence must have something to do with his success.

4. When they looked for evidence of inflammation in their brains, they made a startling discovery.

look for寻找
例句:She is looking for her lost child.

5. But the animals were kept on the high-fat diet for nine months and the inflammation eventually returned.

keep on继续
例句:They kept on working after dark.

6. “Our data would point to a more structural, biological basis for why it is difficult to keep weight off," he says.

point to表明
例句:All this points to the same conclusion.

7. It has to do with damage to the brain area that is responsible for controlling body weight.

do with处理;对待
例句:I don't know what to do with it.
be responsible for为…负责, 是…的原因
例句:Bad weather is responsible for the poor crop.