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1. Going to college is often a chance for young adults to explore attitudes, ideas and beliefs different from the ones they grew up with.

grow up长大, 成熟
例句:Tom wants to be a coach when he grows up.

2. American college students are exposed to new ideas that can challenge their religious beliefs, but campus clergy say many remain religiously committed. 

be exposed to遭受,暴露于…
例句:The machine is exposed to the wind and rain .

3. A traditional festival lets Indian students share their faith and culture with others.

share with与…分享〔合用〕
例句:I'll share my apple with you if you'll give me half of your cake.
你若把你的蛋糕给我一半, 我就与你分享我的苹果。

4. So they interpret their religious and spiritual traditions in a way that makes sense for them.

make sense是明智的, 是合情合理的
例句:It would make sense to leave early.

5. “The question in my mind is whether that questioning leads to a falling off of commitment or a deepening of commitment," she pondered.

lead to导致
例句:Smoking can lead to lung cancer.
fall off减少
例句:The number of passengers by this line fell off slightly in January.

6. And my experience is that people who claim their religious traditions after having or in the process of being engaged with other people are far more inclined to see what they have as something precious.

engaged with与…接洽,从事于
例句:He`s engaged with a visitor just now.

7. Interfaith service projects and community dialogues are bringing students together at schools all across the country, says Tahera Ahmad, the associate university chaplain at Northwestern University.

bring together使相识; 使坐在一起; 使会面
例句:The opposing forces on the island have been brought together for peace talks.