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1. He suffers from diabetes and coronary heart disease.

suffer from因(疾病)而痛或不舒服;因...而更糟;受...之苦
例句:She often suffers from headaches.

2. The elderly man says the government's ongoing medical reforms have greatly alleviated his financial burden so he spends less of his pension on medicine.

spend on把…花在…
例句:He doesn't spend much time on his homework.

3. The prices of the medicines have gone down.

go down沉下; 落下; 降低
例句:Prices began to go down.

4. The move is designed to control rising drug prices as many hospitals have sought to make a profit by over-prescribing medicine to patients.

seek to设法; 企图,试图
例句:I sought to change her mind.

5. The Health Ministry says the prices of basic drugs have dropped by 25 percent on average compared to what they were before the policy took effect.

compare to与…相比
例句:The writer was compared to Shakespeare.
take effect生效, 奏效
例句:The prescribed medicine failed to take effect.

6. Besides setting up such a medicine system, the Chinese government has also expanded a partially public-financed health care network over the past three years.

set up建立,建造, 创立, 竖立
例句:Plenty of foreign firms have set up factories here.

7. Klaus Roland, World Bank Country Director for China, speaks highly of the achievement.

speak highly of赞扬
例句:All who know him speak highly of him. 
凡是认识他的人, 没有不称赞他的。
8. People look to China when they want to develop solutions for their own developing problems.

look to依靠〔指望〕(某人或某事)
例句:She has always looked to her parents for advice.

9. Moreover, we will speed up the reform of public hospitals.

speed up (使)加速
例句:We are speeding up the mechanization of our agriculture.

10. In recent years, Chinese patients have complained of high medical costs and difficulty in accessing decent medical service.

complain of抱怨, 诉苦
例句:He complained of being underpaid.